The Postgraduate Programme of Linguistic and Literary Studies in English at USP and the ABEI (Associação Brasileira de Estudos Irlandeses) organised the cycle of lectures and debate on the 28 and 29 May, 2009, with the following lecturers:
- Dr. Lance Pettitt (Leeds Metropolitan University). "Screening Ireland 2000-2010".
- Dr. Luke Gibbons (National University Ireland/Maynooth & Notre Dame University). "From National to World Literature: How the Irish Revival becomes Modern".
- Debate with Luke Gibbons and Lance Pettitt.
- Dr. Lance Pettitt (Leeds Metropolitan University). "Screening Ireland 2000-2010".
- Dr. Luke Gibbons (National University Ireland/Maynooth & Notre Dame University). "From National to World Literature: How the Irish Revival becomes Modern".
- Debate with Luke Gibbons and Lance Pettitt.