Eavan Boland stands out as a major female poet in the context of twentieth-century Irish writing. Author of more than twenty books of poems and prose writing, she paved the way for many writers in Ireland and abroad after denouncing the subsidiary role of women writers and calling for urgent changes in the Irish literary system. Boland’s innovative and inclusive views on poetry have facilitated the emergence of new women writers and critical approaches. After she passed away in April 2020, contemporary writers and scholars have felt the pressing need to address the impact of her work on twenty-first-century poetic tendencies. As a tribute to Eavan Boland’s life, writing and activism, the Brazilian Journal of Irish Studies celebrates this inspiring poet, critic and professor with a special issue. We invite contributions of up to 6000 words. Academic articles, reviews, interviews, and translations are welcome. The articles can cover any of the following topics:
- Eavan Boland’s dialogue with history
- Boland’s works and the open road for the dialogue between the canon and the margin(s) in the Irish context and abroad
- Critical readings of poetry before and after Eavan Boland’s works: feminist critical readings in Ireland and beyond
- The matter of influence – tradition, activism and contemporaneity
- Impact of Eavan Boland’s writing and activism on other writers
- Eavan Boland’s dialogue with other arts and other media
- Eavan Boland’s prose writings and their reception
- New readings of Eavan Boland
- Writers writing with, about and after Eavan Boland
- Ecocritical readings of Eavan Boland’s writing
- Translations of Eavan Boland
How to send ?
• Your document should be submitted in Word format (.doc)
• Follow MLA style (8th edition) - please notice that your work will not be accepted unless it follows the MLA stylesheet scrupulously
• Add a 150-to-200-word abstract below the title
• Add three to five key-words below the abstract
• Articles should not exceed 6,000 words (excluding title, abstract, and key-words), reviews, interviews, and translations 2,000 words
• Remove the author’s name from both the text and the properties of the document
• The deadline for submissions is 17th of July, 2021
• Send the article to [email protected]
Former issues of the ABEI Journal can be accessed at:
For informal inquiries or expressions of interest, please contact us directly:
Gisele Wolkoff [email protected]
Manuela Palacios [email protected]