Call for Papers - ABEI Journal Special Number 2020 "Word upon world: half a century of John Banville’s universes”
In 2020 it will be fifty years since John Banville published Long Lankin. As his career proves him to be not only one of the leading authors in Irish fiction, but in Europe and the world, the Brazilian Journal of Irish Studies will celebrate this wonderful philosopher and stylist with a special issue. We invite contributions up to 6000 words. Articles can explore any aspect of his published work, whether the eighteen novels under the Banville name, the ten novels under the soubriquet Benjamin Black, his plays, or, indeed, his non-fiction writing.
For more information, click here.
In 2020 it will be fifty years since John Banville published Long Lankin. As his career proves him to be not only one of the leading authors in Irish fiction, but in Europe and the world, the Brazilian Journal of Irish Studies will celebrate this wonderful philosopher and stylist with a special issue. We invite contributions up to 6000 words. Articles can explore any aspect of his published work, whether the eighteen novels under the Banville name, the ten novels under the soubriquet Benjamin Black, his plays, or, indeed, his non-fiction writing.
For more information, click here.