Commemoration of the 150th aniversary of W.B. Yeats
March 17 - 19, 2015
Venue: Cidade Universitária - Butantã
March 17 - 19, 2015
Venue: Cidade Universitária - Butantã
March 17
Venue: Anfiteatro da História
8h20 - Opening
Ann Saddlemeyer (University of Toronto, Canada)
"W.B. Yeats as a collaborative poet"
Margaret Mills Harper (University of Limerick and Chair of International Yeats Society) - "The Rhythm of A Vision"
Official opening by Minister Jan O'Sullivan T.D., Minister for Education and Skills
12h-14 - Lunch
Christine Greiner (Pontificia Universidade Católica - PUC/SP)
"O encontro de William Butler Yeats e o Nô japonês"
Luiz Fernando Ramos (School of Communication and Art - USP)
"O teatro de W.B. Yeats e Gordon Graig"
Closing ceremony and book launch
March 18
Venue: Letters Building
Postgraduation course - opening day
"A parceria entre William Butler Yeats e Gordon Graig: 1901-1913" ("The collaboration between Yeats and Gordon Graig")
Profª Drª Munira H. Mutran (DLM) e Profº Drº Luiz Fernando Ramos (ECA)
March 19
Venue: Letters Building
Comments and a video presentation about W.B. Yeats' family
Ann Saddlemeyer
Coloquium of Postgraduation students from Programa de Estudos Linguísticos e Literários em Inglês of Departament of Modern Letters/FFLCH with visiting Professors.
Ann Saddlemyer is Emeritus Professor at University of Toronto where she was the Director of the Centre of Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies and Director of Massey College; she was also visiting scholar at University of Victoria, British Columbia and at University of New York (Berg Chair). Professor Ann Saddlmyer published many books on the Irish Canadian theatre; edited plays by J.M. Synge, Lady Gregory and the exchanged letters between the founders of the Abet Theatre. Saddlemyer also edited The Collected Letters of John Millington Synge, that received in 1986 the British Academy Rose Mary Crawshay Award for Literary Criticism. Her recent publications are Becoming George: The Life of Mrs. W. B. Yeats (2002; rpt., 2003), indicated to James Tait Black award for Biography, and W. B. Yeats and George Yeats: The Letters (2011).
Margaret Mills Harper is a Professor of Irish and American contemporary literature at University of Limerick (Glucksman Chair). She is an expert in WB Yeats works, Director of Yeats Summer School and President of the “International Yeats Society”. Margareth Mills Harper published The Aristocracy of Art (1990) and Wisdom of Two: The Spiritual and Literary Collaboration of George and W. B. Yeats (2006, Honorable Mention 2006 Robert Rhodes Prize).She co-edited A Vision (1925) in The Collected Works of W. B. Yeats, Volume 13 (2008) and A Vision (1937), Volume 14 (2014); Yeats Annual, Vol. 19 (2013).
Christine Greiner is a Professor of the Department of Body Languages at Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC-SP) where she coordinates the Center of Eastern Studies. She works for the Programme of Postgraduation Studies in Communication and Semiotic (Estudos Pós-Graduados em Comunicação e Semiótica) and in the undergraduate programme of Communications of the Body Arts (Comunicação das Artes do Corpo). She is the author of s Butô pensamento em evolução (1998), O Teatro Nô e o Ocidente (2000), O Corpo pistas para estudos indisciplinares (2005) and O Corpo em Crise (2010), finaliza atualmente o livro Leituras do Corpo no Japão e suas diásporas cognitivas.
Luiz Fernando Ramos is an Associated Professor in the Department of Performing Arts of the School of Communication and Arts at University of São Paulo (ECA/USP); He is a researcher of CNPq; coordinator of the GIDE - Grupo de Investigação do Desempenho Espetacular. Director, playwright and documentarist, he studied the theater production by Gordon Graig, Samuel Beckett, Tadeusz Kantor, José Celso Martinez Corrêa and Martins Pena. He was theatre critic in Folha de S.Paulo from 2008 to 2013. At the present moment, he is editor of the magazine Sala Preta from the Programme of Postgraduation in Performing Arts of USP.
Coordination: Laura P. Z. Izarra (Cátedra W. B. Yeats)
March 17
Venue: Anfiteatro da História
8h20 - Opening
Ann Saddlemeyer (University of Toronto, Canada)
"W.B. Yeats as a collaborative poet"
Margaret Mills Harper (University of Limerick and Chair of International Yeats Society) - "The Rhythm of A Vision"
Official opening by Minister Jan O'Sullivan T.D., Minister for Education and Skills
12h-14 - Lunch
Christine Greiner (Pontificia Universidade Católica - PUC/SP)
"O encontro de William Butler Yeats e o Nô japonês"
Luiz Fernando Ramos (School of Communication and Art - USP)
"O teatro de W.B. Yeats e Gordon Graig"
Closing ceremony and book launch
March 18
Venue: Letters Building
Postgraduation course - opening day
"A parceria entre William Butler Yeats e Gordon Graig: 1901-1913" ("The collaboration between Yeats and Gordon Graig")
Profª Drª Munira H. Mutran (DLM) e Profº Drº Luiz Fernando Ramos (ECA)
March 19
Venue: Letters Building
Comments and a video presentation about W.B. Yeats' family
Ann Saddlemeyer
Coloquium of Postgraduation students from Programa de Estudos Linguísticos e Literários em Inglês of Departament of Modern Letters/FFLCH with visiting Professors.
Ann Saddlemyer is Emeritus Professor at University of Toronto where she was the Director of the Centre of Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies and Director of Massey College; she was also visiting scholar at University of Victoria, British Columbia and at University of New York (Berg Chair). Professor Ann Saddlmyer published many books on the Irish Canadian theatre; edited plays by J.M. Synge, Lady Gregory and the exchanged letters between the founders of the Abet Theatre. Saddlemyer also edited The Collected Letters of John Millington Synge, that received in 1986 the British Academy Rose Mary Crawshay Award for Literary Criticism. Her recent publications are Becoming George: The Life of Mrs. W. B. Yeats (2002; rpt., 2003), indicated to James Tait Black award for Biography, and W. B. Yeats and George Yeats: The Letters (2011).
Margaret Mills Harper is a Professor of Irish and American contemporary literature at University of Limerick (Glucksman Chair). She is an expert in WB Yeats works, Director of Yeats Summer School and President of the “International Yeats Society”. Margareth Mills Harper published The Aristocracy of Art (1990) and Wisdom of Two: The Spiritual and Literary Collaboration of George and W. B. Yeats (2006, Honorable Mention 2006 Robert Rhodes Prize).She co-edited A Vision (1925) in The Collected Works of W. B. Yeats, Volume 13 (2008) and A Vision (1937), Volume 14 (2014); Yeats Annual, Vol. 19 (2013).
Christine Greiner is a Professor of the Department of Body Languages at Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC-SP) where she coordinates the Center of Eastern Studies. She works for the Programme of Postgraduation Studies in Communication and Semiotic (Estudos Pós-Graduados em Comunicação e Semiótica) and in the undergraduate programme of Communications of the Body Arts (Comunicação das Artes do Corpo). She is the author of s Butô pensamento em evolução (1998), O Teatro Nô e o Ocidente (2000), O Corpo pistas para estudos indisciplinares (2005) and O Corpo em Crise (2010), finaliza atualmente o livro Leituras do Corpo no Japão e suas diásporas cognitivas.
Luiz Fernando Ramos is an Associated Professor in the Department of Performing Arts of the School of Communication and Arts at University of São Paulo (ECA/USP); He is a researcher of CNPq; coordinator of the GIDE - Grupo de Investigação do Desempenho Espetacular. Director, playwright and documentarist, he studied the theater production by Gordon Graig, Samuel Beckett, Tadeusz Kantor, José Celso Martinez Corrêa and Martins Pena. He was theatre critic in Folha de S.Paulo from 2008 to 2013. At the present moment, he is editor of the magazine Sala Preta from the Programme of Postgraduation in Performing Arts of USP.
Coordination: Laura P. Z. Izarra (Cátedra W. B. Yeats)