ABEI/HADDAD/TCD Fellowship Pre-selection
The examining board designated by W.B. Yeats Chair of Irish Studies/USP - Professors Luiz Fernando Ramos, Munira H. Mutran and Rosalie R. Haddad - selected the following candidates (alphabetical order):
- Carla Hilst
- Eduardo Boheme Kumamoto
The pre-selected candidates will be assessed by the board of Directors of Trinity College Dublin and the result will be announced by 15th June 2017.
Many thanks to all the candidates who applied to the Call.
- Carla Hilst
- Eduardo Boheme Kumamoto
The pre-selected candidates will be assessed by the board of Directors of Trinity College Dublin and the result will be announced by 15th June 2017.
Many thanks to all the candidates who applied to the Call.